Fat experiences

Lost weight.

I'm sorry to say, I caught something this winter, and I've apparently lost nearly 35 pounds. I'm still as big as I was, I thought I was actually heavier, but no. I was eating like crazy until then, so I might have gotten up to 445 or so at my heaviest.
11 months

Lost weight.

It can be a bummer to lose weight when you’re committed to fatness and gaining, but don’t let it get you down. This was beyond your control, it is reversible, and it’s not the end of your journey.
11 months

Lost weight.

It can be a struggle to keep on weight for sure, and a lot of the ways we eat aren’t sustainable. Heck I’ve dropped quite a bit of weight with only a slight calorie deficit was down to 340 but I’m back to 356 this week smiley bodies fluctuate smiley
11 months